Hatteras Island Fishing Reports

Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island.

Today we reached a high of 60F.  We had light north winds up to 5 mph today.

There were a few fish caught today.  Buxton had a few black drum, blow toads and a sea mullet.  The Point had bluefish and blow toads.  There were a few puppy drum around today also.

The commercial boats are catching king mackerel, albacore, a swordfish.  There was a bluefin caught yesterday.

Check Out Today’s Featured Product:


Frisco Rod and Gun Two Dogs Short Sleeve Tee

Frisco Rod and Gun’s custom logo mens tee featuring our store’s Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Sailor and Gen surrounded by the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, and the famous gamefish caught in our island’s waters, the Red Drum and the Blue Marlin.

2016-2017 NC Hunting Season is here.  Click on the highlighted link to see the seasons and limits for Big Game, Small Game, Dove, Waterfowl and Webless Migratory Game Birds.
Youth Waterfowl Day(s) February 4 & February 11 Includes ducks, geese, brant, mergansers, coots and tundra swans. Youth must have a valid permit if hunting tundra swans and dark geese (Northeast Hunt Zone)

Yeti Coolers, Ramblers, Clothes and Accessories,Salt Life clothing, Fall Woolrich, Browning, Hatley, New Sperry Shoes Instock,  Costa T-Shirts and more coming in all the time.  **Select Sperry shoes 50% off, Select Clothing 30-50% off**

2017 Tide Charts are here, swing by and pick one up!
Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49. Open year round, 364 days a year. Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com