The high was 63 while the low was 57 with moderate to high winds. Gusts up to 31mph today. Currently it’s 57, feels like 52, with SW winds around 13mph. Tomorrow’s temps and winds should be similar to today’s with a small chance of scattered showers in the early morning hours.
Sound water temp: 54-55
Ocean water temp: ~57
Surf: No report.
Sound: No report.
Inshore: No report.
Offshore: No report.
Releases: No report.

Aftco Shadow Sweatshirt
Similar to the Reaper Technical Sweatshirt, but without the face mask, the Shadow Fleece Sweatshirt delivers similar technical features like a cinch shock cord anchoring system, stain release, and a 100% poly bonded micro fleece fabric. This technical sweatshirt comes with Velcro pocket closures to help protect your belongings. The Shadow Fleece is perfect standalone or part of a layering system with other AFTCO outerwear.
- 100% Poly Bonded Microfleece 280gsm
- Hood shockcord cinch stopper
- Block Tapey™ pocket closure
- Mid Layer – designed to preserve the natural warmth of your body

See what was biting on this day 1 year ago.
- (3/4/2024) – The high was 66 while the low was 59 with light to strong winds. Gusts up to 32mph today. Currently it’s 59 with SSW winds around 15mph. Gusts around 31mph. Tomorrow winds should only be light to gentle speeds and temps should be about the same, if not a little cooler. Radar looks clear for… Continue Reading
See what was biting on this day 2 years ago.
- (3/4/2023) – Today was nice and warm with the temps hovering around 70 for most of the day. The high was 70 while the low was 60. We’ve had light to strong winds. Currently it’s 61, feels like 56, with NW winds around 6mph. Tomorrow’s temps are going to be cooler, around the 50s, and winds are… Continue Reading
See what was biting on this day 3 years ago.
- (3/4/2022) – Rolling into the weekend with an overcast day. High temperature for today topped off at 54F. Our temperatures are going to climb tomorrow with a slight chance of rain. Pompano action today off of ramp 48 along with some Bar sharks. Spring orders are currently in the works! Our staff has been working hard to… Continue Reading
See what was biting on this day 4 years ago.
- (3/3/2021) – Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island. Not a bad day weather-wise today. Our high temperature topped off at 55F. We currently have winds out of the North at 13mph. Looks like a decent weekend coming up. All quiet on the fishing end today again. Nothing to report… Continue Reading
See what was biting on this day 5 years ago.
- (3/4/2020) – Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island. Today the temperature was 60F. The winds were down around 4-7mph WSW. There were a few Puppy Drum caught today at the Jetties. There was also some Bluefish and Dog Sharks caught just a little North from there. There is no… Continue Reading
Aftco, Grundens, Xtratuf, Huk, Yeti, ToadFish, Salt Life Clothing, Pelagic, Guy Harvey, Southern Fried Cotton, FroggTogg, Sperry Shoes and Frisco Rod and Gun clothing. **Select Clothing 30-50% off**
Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49. Open year round, 364 days a year. Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at