The high was 72 while the low was 64 with light to very strong/near gale winds. Gusts up to 63mph today. Currently it’s 75, feels like 72, with ESE winds around 24mph. Gusts around 31mph. Tomorrow’s temps will remain about the same while winds will continue to be strong but should show a slight decline into the evening. Expect more rain as well. By nighttime tomorrow there should be a little relief in the wind and rain.
For updates about the store refer to our Facebook page. For updates on weather and road conditions refer to NCDOT NC 12 and Dare County Sheriff’s Office Facebook pages.
Flounder season: Opens 12:01am Sept. 15th, 2023 and closes 11:59pm Sept. 29th, 2023. Limit one flounder per person per day. Minimum size limit is 15 inches total length (from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail).
Sound water temp: 74-77
Ocean water temp: Too cloudy/rainy for a good reading.
No fishing report today as the island deals with Tropical Storm Ophelia, but here’s what has been caught:
Surf: Bluefish, Croaker, Flounder, Pompano, Red Drum, Sea Mullet, Sharks, Spot
Sound: Bluefish, Flounder, Red Drum, Speckled Trout
Inshore: Bluefish, Flounder, Speckled Trout
Offshore: Blackfin Tuna, Dolphin, Wahoo
Releases: Sailfish

Grundens Neptune 103 Commercial Fishing Anorak Pullover
Built with medium-weight, polyurethane-coated fabric this hooded anorak moves and stretches with you as you work on deck. Yet it still delivers full protection against rain, wind and spray. An athletic cut and underarm gussets further enhance comfort and movement.
- Active Fit
- 230 g/m2 Polyurethane Coated Polyester Fabric

See what was biting on this day 1 year ago.
- (3/6/2024) – The high was 66 while the low was 61 with light to strong winds. Gusts up to 40mph today. Currently it’s 66, feels like 62, with SSW winds around 16mph. Gusts around 33mph. Tomorrow’s temps should be a little cooler (H: 59, L: 56). Winds will be similar at gentle to strong speeds but should… Continue Reading
See what was biting on this day 2 years ago.
- (3/7/2023) – Today was a little chilly with the winds. The high was 66 while the low was 52. We’ve had light to moderate winds. Currently it’s 54, feels like 45, with NNE winds around 13mph. Tomorrow’s winds are expected to be similar to today’s, maybe a little bit stronger. Temps will be decreased with a predicted… Continue Reading
See what was biting on this day 3 years ago.
- (3/8/2022) – Cloudy, overcast day with some showers mixed in. More showers with some possible thunderstorms this evening as well. We had a high temperature of 64F this afternoon. Looks like another rain filled day for tomorrow as well. Don’t let that stop you, fish still bite in the rain! Winds are out of the East tonight… Continue Reading
See what was biting on this day 4 years ago.
- (3/8/2021) – Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island. We had a beautiful March day here in Frisco! Our high temperature for the day was 50F. We currently have winds out of the SW at 8mph. Looks like water temps should come up by Friday and we will have a… Continue Reading
See what was biting on this day 5 years ago.
- (3/8/2020) – Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island. It turned out to be a beautiful day. We had temperatures in the mid 50’s and light north wind. There were some sea mullet caught off ramp 49 in Frisco. There is no inshore report for today. There was a bit… Continue Reading
Aftco, Grundens, Xtratuf, Huk, Yeti, ToadFish, Salt Life Clothing, Pelagic, Guy Harvey, Southern Fried Cotton, FroggTogg, Sperry Shoes and Frisco Rod and Gun clothing. **Select Clothing 30-50% off**
Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49. Open year round, 364 days a year. Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at