They say in Hatteras if you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it will change. We have had days of sunglasses and flip flops that have changed to woolen sweaters and snow boots in the space of a day! While we have not gone through the frigid blast that our friends up north have dealt with, we have had an unusually cold winter. I don’t know why I am surprised though, the trees around here told us it would be a cold winter way back in the fall. I can remember my Great Uncle Curt telling us that you can tell a cold winter is coming by the amount of berries the local Holly and Yaupon trees produce. And this year I noticed early that they both were putting on show of bright red berries!

We can’t complain though. The puppy drum fishing has been exciting. The snow was a novelty for us. And we have enjoyed sunny and warm days to get out and stretch our legs in between the cold ones. I even got the twins out for a stroll on a few really nice days!
I think I can speak for all of us and say we are looking forward to Spring. And it is on its way on Hatteras Island. My daffodils are starting to emerge from the soil, my apple tree has tiny buds, and one day this week a fat, sassy robin landed on my porch railing and peeked in my window. I assume he was admiring himself in his reflection in the glass, but I would like to think he was there to tell me that warm days are just around the corner. People are thinking Spring too. The National Park Service has announced that Frisco Campground is opening back up on April 18, beach houses are being booked by visitors planning their beach getaways, the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau has its Visitor’s Guide available online now, and Frisco Rod and Gun has been busy getting Spring and Summer things in to get you on the beaches and in the boats! Spring is headed this way, are you?
Natalie Perry Kavanagh