Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island.
Today we had mostly sunny skies with a few late afternoon showers. The winds were from the south-west at 10-15 mph and the temperatures were in the mid 80’s
The fishing was a little slow today. Only some sea mullet were reported on the Buxton beaches. The Frisco beach had some sea mullet and bluefish. Down on the Hatteras beaches sea mullet, some spot and bluefish were reported. The Big drum made a showing down at Hatteras Inlet just after dark tonight.
The inshore boats caught speckled and gray trout today in the Pamlico Sound.
The offshore fleet had good catches of gaffer size dolphin, some boats caught some blackfin tunas and a scattered yellowfin tuna was reported. One white marlin was released.
Tomorrow is the first day of The Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament. We want to wish all participants good luck and good fishing and especially our local boats: “Hatteras Fever II”, “Islander”, “Release”, “Sea Creature”, “Swordfish”, “Tuna Duck” and “Whatever” We hope to see one or all of you backing into the The Big Rock scales.
Check out today’s featured product:

Black Bart Exteme Breakfast is a World class teaser: Extreme Breakfast is essentially a Teaser like no other, not a fender bumper, not a flashing Dan, not a Voodoo Dancer, E.B. is the closest thing to a swimming Tuna that has ever been engineered for the offshore fishermen
Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49. Open year round, 364 days a year. Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.comOur 2013 Hatteras Island Tide Charts are available in the store. You can come by and pick one up. We now have them available online to print with a QR code that links to the current size and bag limits for Hatteras Island