Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island.
Today was overcast, but warm. We had a high of 64F, with very light wind. We are expecting even warmer temperatures tomorrow. Enjoy it while it lasts!
Fishing has resumed and there has been a few fish caught. Cape Point had a few puppy drum and bluefish, along with sharks and skates. Around Frisco Pier there were some small speckled trout and puffers. At Ramp 55 there were some black drum, puppy drum, small speckled trout, sea mullet, puffers and keeper flounder.
There’s no inshore or offshore report for today.

A family game of tricky hangs and steady hands! Try this hanging balance game and you’ll be hooked! Suspend comes with 24 notched, rubber-tipped wire pieces to hang from a tabletop stand. Sound easy? Try adding another piece! Each time a bar is added, the balance shifts, the difficulty changes and the incredible midair sculpture transforms. Can you add all your game pieces without making it fall? This tricky game for 1-4 players is a test of steady nerves and steady hands.
2016-2017 NC Hunting Season is here. Click on the highlighted link to see the seasons and limits for Big Game, Small Game, Dove, Waterfowl and Webless Migratory Game Birds.
Yeti Coolers, Ramblers, Clothes and Accessories,Salt Life clothing, Fall Woolrich, Browning, Hatley, New Sperry Shoes Instock, Costa T-Shirts and more coming in all the time. **Select Sperry shoes 50% off, Select Clothing 30-50% off, Melissa and Doug 30% off**
Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49. Open year round, 364 days a year. Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at