We don’t often get to see Frisco Rod and Gun all covered in snow! Since we stayed open each day of winter weather Bryan Perry works hard keeping the parking lot clear of ice and snow. Or at least it gave him an excuse to run the tractor!
Tuesday morning the buzz up and down the island was all about snow. Was it coming? How much would we get? Which of the five or six different weathermen we were watching would be right? We heard everything from nothing to 15 inches! As the day progressed we saw cold rain, icy rain, sleet, and then just ice. And on facebook and on the phone islanders went from excited to disappointed. If it was going to be this cold and messy at least it should snow!
On Wednesday morning we woke up to big fluffy white flakes coming down all over the island! It had finally gotten here. And people bundled up in whatever snow clothes they could get together and went out to play. Kids who had never seen snow got to make snowmen (small ones), school was out, and boogie boards got turned into sleds. And my favorite snow activity, we got to make snow cream!
Snow cream is so sweet and simple to make. And since we rarely get snow it is a real treat for us on the island.

We make ours with Eagle Brand condensed milk, sugar, snow, and vanilla. Get a big bowl and fill it up with fresh, clean snow. Stir in the can of Eagle Brand milk, Sugar and Vanilla to your taste. If you use too much sugar your cream gets gritty, so try a little and taste. While this does not serve to warm you up after a day playing in the snow it sure is a treat. Perhaps because we only get to have it once every few years!

My son, Joe, approves!
Natalie Perry Kavanagh