Frisco Weather

This weather widget is interactive. Fine tune the results by dragging the time slider along the timeline. Pinch and zoom or use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out, and drag the map around to select the weather at a particular time and place. You can also select different weather layers by clicking the wind icon in the top right.

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Diamond Shoals Bouy Report

Site elevation: sea level
Air temp height: 3.4 m above site elevation
Anemometer height: 3.8 m above site elevation
Barometer elevation: 2.4 m above mean sea level
Sea temp depth: 2 m below water line
Water depth: 48.8 m
Watch circle radius: 122 yards
This buoy is located 2 NM to the East-Northeast of the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary.

Interactive tide graph.

Drag the circle slider to change the time. Change the day with the and + buttons, or click the map icon for even more features.

National Weather Service

Offshore Marine Forecast

Sea Surface Temperatures