It is snowing at Cape Hatteras for the fourth time this winter. It is the second “big” snow we have gotten and we really can’t believe it! It’s not supposed to snow this much here! It is still coming down and I have 4 to 5 inches on my porch already. This snow event is more user friendly because it is not as icy as last time. Islanders are out and about enjoying the snow. The fishing is even good. My friend Eliza Stowe Powell posted this photograph of her husband and her dad fishing for puppy drum. They had a good catch despite the weather!

Dolphin Realty’s staff went for a snowy beach walk this morning across the dune from the Hatteras Cabanas and got this pretty photo at the beginning of the snowfall.

I am home with the baby boys today, so no playing in the snow for me. However the view of the winter woods around my home is lovely!

Many of you have been helped by Kristie Brown when you stop in the Frisco Rod and Gun. She got to have a very snowy day off today and snapped this shot of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse standing tall in the snowstorm. A rare but pretty sight!
Everyone stay safe and keeps warm in the snow today. Enjoy playing outside and have a bowl of snow cream before it is gone!
Thanks to Kristie Brown, Nancy Scarborough at Dolphin Realty, and Eliza Stowe Powell for the photos!
Natalie Perry Kavanagh