Hatteras Island Fishing Report

Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island.

Our high temperature for today was 55F with winds out of the NE at 10mph at the time of this post.

Avon reported Black Drum and Sea Mullet caught on their beaches today.

Ramp 43 was still the place to go today with anglers catching Sea Mullet, Blowtoads and a few puppy Drum.

Citation size Red Drum were caught at the point today.

Here off of ramp 49 in Frisco we had Blowtoads and Sea Mullet caught.

Ramp 55 also produced a mixed bag of puppy Drum, Sea Mullet and Black Drum.

A couple of boats went offshore today and brought back a decent amount of King Mackerel.

Check Out Our Product of The Day

Berkley GSSM4-PSH Gulp! Swimming Mullet, Pink Shine, 4″ 1Bag, Realistic head and body design
Ideal for all saltwater species. Swimming tail action irresistible to fish. Rapid scent dispersion attracts fish from greater range.


2020-21 Hunting Regulations

Grundens, Huk, Yeti Coolers, Ramblers, Clothes and Accessories, ToadFish, Huk, Salt Life Clothing, Pelagic, Guy Harvey, Southern Fried Cotton, Browning, Hatley, Sperry Shoes and Frisco Rod and Gun clothing.**Select Sperry shoes 40-50% off, Select Clothing 30-50% off**

Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49. Open year round, 364 days a year. Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com

See what was biting on this day 1 year ago.

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See what was biting on this day 2 years ago.

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See what was biting on this day 5 years ago.

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