Hatteras Island Fishing Report

Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island.

Not a bad day here on this end of the island. We had a high temperature of 54F with mostly sunny skies. Wind is almost non-existent with it showing at 1mph out of the NE.

There is some surf activity to report today.

Hatteras had some Blowtoads and Sea Mullet being caught. Looks like more Dogfish at the point as well.

Still quiet here off of ramp 49 in Frisco.

Winds and weather look good for the end of the week. Should be some fish showing up.

Check Out Our Product of The Day

Fishbites 0142 E-Z Shrimp Longer Lasting Bait Strips Power Lime, 1/2″ W, 12″ L

E-Z Baits give anglers even more flexibility to experiment with different sizes, scents, and techniques – each one is 1/2 inch wide and about 12 inches long. Available in E-Z Squid, E-Z Clam, E-Z Crab, E-Z Flea, and E-Z Shrimp scents. E-Z Baits can be used on a bare hook or as a trailer on a jig or skirt. They can be used to catch a whole host of saltwater species.


2020-21 Hunting Regulations

Grundens, Huk, Yeti Coolers, Ramblers, Clothes and Accessories, ToadFish, Huk, Salt Life Clothing, Pelagic, Guy Harvey, Southern Fried Cotton, Browning, Hatley, Sperry Shoes and Frisco Rod and Gun clothing.**Select Sperry shoes 40-50% off, Select Clothing 30-50% off**

Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49. Open year round, 364 days a year. Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com

See what was biting on this day 1 year ago.

  • (12/18/2023) The high was 61 while the low was 55 with light to strong winds. Gusts up to 45mph today. Currently it’s 54, feels like 50, with W winds around 5mph. Tomorrow temps will be lower in the mid 40s while winds are still predicted to get up to moderate speeds. As always, for updates on… Continue Reading

See what was biting on this day 2 years ago.

  • (12/17/2022) Today’s high was 52 while the low was 46. Winds have been light to gentle. Currently it’s 54, feels like 45, with W winds at 10mph. Gusts up to 16mph. Tomorrow’s temps are expected to be cooler while winds are expected to be increased. Sound water temp: 53-55 Ocean water temp: 56 Surf: Blowtoads, Sea… Continue Reading

See what was biting on this day 3 years ago.

  • (12/18/2021) We had a sunny day here today with a high temperature of 72F. Winds have picked up throughout the day and we are at 21mph out of the SW currently. Front coming through tomorrow will bring us rain and higher winds. The change in wind direction and speed has made for a slow day off… Continue Reading

See what was biting on this day 4 years ago.

  • (12/16/2020) Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island. Rain, rain and more rain. Today’s high was 66F with winds out of the SW at 24mph at this time. Nothing really going on today for a fishing report other than our shop friend Bobby Dever catching 4 slot Red Drum… Continue Reading

See what was biting on this day 5 years ago.

  • (12/16/2019) Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island. Today was a beautiful day!  We reached temperatures in the mid 60’s and light SW winds between 5 and 10 mph. We had reports of sharks being caught from Avon to Hatteras.  There were also some puppy drum caught at the… Continue Reading