The high was 77 while the low was 70 with light to gentle winds. Gusts up to 28mph today. Currently it’s 70 with NE winds around 7mph. Tomorrow we should see similar temps that will be the coolest in the morning around 6am (H: 78, L: 66). More NE winds of similar speeds as well.
Sound water temp: 71-73
Ocean water temp: ~73
Surf: Black Drum, Bluefish, Red Drum, Sea Mullet, Spot
Sound: Bluefish, Red Drum, Speckled Trout
Inshore: Bluefish, Red Drum
Offshore: No report.
Releases: No report.

Ninja Tackle Barrel Swivel
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See what was biting on this day 1 year ago.
- (3/3/2024) – The high was 63 while the low was 55 with light to gentle winds. Gusts up to 15mph today. Currently it’s 61, feels like 58, with NE winds around 8mph. Tomorrow temps and winds will be about the same (H: 62, L: 56, light to gentle winds). It’s anticipated to rain all day tomorrow so… Continue Reading
See what was biting on this day 2 years ago.
- (3/3/2023) – Today stayed in the 50s-60s. The high was 69 while the low was 57. We’ve had light to strong winds. Currently it’s 66, feels like 61, with S winds around 17mph. Tomorrow’s temps are going to be in the 60s before decreasing into the evening down to around 54. Winds will be moderate to strong… Continue Reading
See what was biting on this day 3 years ago.
- (3/3/2022) – We had temperatures in the 60s for a good portion of the day. Tomorrow is gonna be a bit cooler in the 50s. If you’ve been by the store lately you’ve seen our stairs getting worked on and they’re just about done! Big thanks to Jimmy Pitetti for his beautiful work. We didn’t hear of… Continue Reading
See what was biting on this day 4 years ago.
- (3/3/2021) – Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island. Not a bad day weather-wise today. Our high temperature topped off at 55F. We currently have winds out of the North at 13mph. Looks like a decent weekend coming up. All quiet on the fishing end today again. Nothing to report… Continue Reading
See what was biting on this day 5 years ago.
- (3/2/2020) – Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island. Today was we had temperatures in the low 60’s. The winds were out of the southwest 15 to 20 mph. There have been a few reports of puppy drum being caught around the Point. There is no inshore report for today.… Continue Reading
Aftco, Grundens, Xtratuf, Huk, Yeti, ToadFish, Salt Life Clothing, Pelagic, Guy Harvey, Southern Fried Cotton, FroggTogg, Sperry Shoes and Frisco Rod and Gun clothing. **Select Clothing 30-50% off**
Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49. Open year round, 364 days a year. Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at