Duck Hunters get a little taste of a Duck Season in the beginning of October. Yes, it is hot. Yes, it is snaky. Yes, they go anyway. From October 1-4 the mini season runs and it is just enough to get hunters excited about the real deal in the next couple of months.
This week a couple of friends of ours went out to see what might be flying this early and were not disappointed. They chose to hunt up on Bodie Island in the Public Hunt Blinds managed by the Park Service. Getting deep in the woods in the sedge on Hatteras Island is just a little too crowded this early…..crowded by Cottonmouths!
On the first day one friend got a couple of Pintails.
On the next day they shot a couple of Blue Winged Teal.
The information for the next season and the limits for Duck Hunting in our area can be found at North Carolina Wildlife Commission’s webpage.
The early season is over for now, but before you know it will start to get cooler outside, then downright cold. The ducks will be flying our way. And the hunters will be delighted!
Natalie Perry Kavanagh