• Hatteras Island Fishing Report

    Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island:

    Today in Frisco we had mostly sunny skies with north-east winds 10-20 mph and the temperatures were in the upper 70’s.  The Buxton beaches have had some bluefish and flounder today.  A few big drum were caught on Cape Point along with some big bluefish.  The north-east winds slows the drum bite.  A few puppy drum and bluefish caught along the Frisco beach.  The cobia fishing was really good today, over 20 were caught form the inshore boats. The offshore bite was decent with some gaffer dolphin, real good triggerfish and a white marlin released.

    You can print our 2012 Frisco Rod and Gun Hatteras Island Tide Charts.

    Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49.

    Check out our featured product:

    These Berkley Gulp Saltwater Eels are a Ideal replacement for scarce live eels. Scent, flavor, action and appearance imitates all live eels. Cobias love ’em and the cobias have arrived here in Hatteras Island.

    Open year round, 364 days a year.  Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com

  • Hatteras Island Fishing Report

    Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island:

    Today in Frisco we had sunny skies and it was even warmer.  The winds were south-west switching to the east at 5-10 mph and the temperatures were in the low 80’s.  The Buxton beach had some good pompano and sea mullet fishing, with a few bluefish mixed in.  Cape Point had another good day of big drum and big bluefish catching.  Along the Frisco and Hatteras beaches some pompano and bluefish were caught.  The inshore fleet had real good spanish mackerel and bluefish.  The big drum were also caught really well.  Offshore fishing was good with lots of gaffer dolphin and some albacore.   Below a nice gaffer dolphin caught by 7 year old Brock aboard the “Bite Me” charter boat.

    You can print our 2012 Frisco Rod and Gun Hatteras Island Tide Charts.

    Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49.

    Check out our featured product:

    This Frisco Rod and Gun custom logo womens short sleeve tee features our store’s Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Sailor and Gen surrounded by the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, and the famous gamefish caught in our island’s waters, the Red Drum and the Blue Marlin.  A great gift for Mothers day.

    Open year round, 364 days a year.  Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com

  • Hatteras Island Fishing Report

    Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island:

    Today in Frisco we had sunny skies and a record high of 81 degrees.  The winds were out of the south-west at 5-10 mph.  Today concluded the 28th annual Ocracoke Surf Fishing Tournament. Fishing was real good for the few that were picked to fish the southern end of Ocracoke Island.  They had lots of bluefish.  The overall winner were the Stop n Shop Hot Liners with 168 pts.  In second overall were the first place women’s team the Nags Head Outcasters with 118 pts and the third place were Raleigh Saltwater Surf Fishing Club with 109 pts.  The second place womens were the Hatterascals with 61 pts and thrid place womens were the Different Drumers with 12 pts.  The Largest fish was a 37.5 in bluefish caught by Ginger Wojciechowski and the largest fish by a male was a 37.25 in bluefish by Dave Flanigan.  Nice job!!!

    The beach fishing was real good on the Buxton beach.  Good catches of sea mullet and pompano.  Out at Cape Point the big drum and bluefish were caught this morning and already tonight as I type.  Lots of them from what I understand.  A little slower on the southern beaches.  Only some bluefish reported.

    The inshore fishing was really good.  Lots of bluefish and spanish mackerel, some speckled and gray trout were also caught.  The offshore boats also had some good fishing.  Lots of gaffer dolphin, some citation size, some nice wahoo and a few blackfin tuna.  One white marlin and one blue marlin were released and one blue marlin got tail wrapped during the fight and died so the guys from the “Godspeed” brought it back to the dock.  Smoked marlin for everyone for the week.  The picture below is from the “Godspeed” charter boat of the 438 lb blue marlin caught in the waters off of Hatteras Island.


    You can print our 2012 Frisco Rod and Gun Hatteras Island Tide Charts.

    We have all of our In store Woolrich clothes on sale at 30% Off.

    Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49.

    Open year round, 364 days a year.  Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com

  • Hatteras Island Fishing Report

    Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island:

    Today in Frisco it was very warm and sunny.  We had south-west winds in the morning, switching to the south-east and the temperatures were in the upper 70’s.  Today was the first day of the Ocracoke Surf Fishing Tournament and there were lots of bluefish caught.  The Buxton beaches had good sea mullet catches and bluefish.  Cape Point is still producing big drum and big bluefish.  There were some pompano and puppy drum caught on the Frisco beach.  Down on the Hatteras beaches there were big drum, big bluefish and some sea mullet caught.  The inshore boats had real good big drum and big blue fishing.  Also some gray trout were caught.  Offshore fishing was good as well.  Lots of gaffer dolphin, a few blackfin and yellowfin tuna, some wahoos and a few blue marlin released.  Below is a pair of wahoos caught aboard the “Native Son” charter boat.

    You can print our 2012 Frisco Rod and Gun Hatteras Island Tide Charts.

    We have all of our In store Woolrich clothes on sale at 30% Off.

    Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49.

    Check out today’s featured product:

    The Hopkins No eql spoons are designed with drop-forged stainless steel that make them unusually versatile with excellent castability.  These are great for casting to the big bluefish biting off the beaches of Hatteras Island.

    Open year round, 364 days a year.  Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com

  • Hatteras Island Fishing Report

    Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island:

    Today in Frisco was sunny and windy.  We had west south-west winds 10-20 mph and the temperatures were in the upper 70’s.  Well Cape Point has had the big drum and big bluefish biting last night and tonight.  Along the Buxton beaches there were some nice sea mullet caught.  The Frisco beach today had some nice big bluefish and we weighed in a 7 lb 5 oz black drum caught on shrimp over ramp 49.  Picture is on the previous post.  The Ocracoke Surf Fishing Tournament starts tomorrow morning and ends on Saturday.  Good Luck to all the anglers.  The inshore boats had good catches of bluefish of all sizes and some citation red drum.  Offshore fishing was good with catches of gaffer dolphin and some blackfin tuna.

    You can print our 2012 Frisco Rod and Gun Hatteras Island Tide Charts.

    We have all of our In store Woolrich clothes on sale at 30% Off.

    Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49.

    Check out today’s featured product:

    The Blue Water Candy Cobia Jigs are beautifully painted Grinning Gus heads with extra strong 8/0 Mustad Duratin saltwater hooks. No more straightend hooks to worry about when fighting large Cobias.  These Jigs are hand crafted in the USA using the finest nylon fibers and mylars.  Cobia’s are just around the corner, be ready with your bucktails.

    Open year round, 364 days a year.  Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com

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