Congressman Jones announces Bill to help Beach Access at Cape Hatteras


HR 4094

Many of you have been following the issues with the Park Service’s Final ORV Rule at Cape Hatteras National Seashore over the past few years.  The Final Rule is considered by most locals and visitors to the Seashore to be too restrictive and unfair to the public.  Congressman Walter B. Jones agrees.  Today he announced the creation of HR 4094, a Bill to replace the Final ORV rule and the hated Consent Decree with a plan that does not treat Cape Hatteras with stricter biological measures then any other National Seashore and that requires the NPS to consider the public access and recreation a priority in the Park once again.  To see a copy of HR 4094:

The Bill is now in the hands of the Committee of Natural Resources and will be considered by them to move on to a vote or not. The Committee oversees the National Park Service issues. 

What can you do?  Please call/email your local Congressman and tell them you support HR 4094 and why you care about public access at Cape Hatteras National Seashore.  If your Congressman sits on the Natural Resources Comittee it is very important that you do this!  You can find the list of Committee members here:

We will continue to update you as we find out more information about the Bill and what you can do to help!  Thank you to Dare County Board of Commissioners, CHAPA, OBPA and of course, Congressman Walter B. Jones for helping us with this issue!