The first day of Spring was this week and we are all grateful for it! We are taking advantage of the pretty days to get out and about. More and more signs of warm weather have been popping up around the neighborhood. This weekend was so nice my Mom, Susie, and I took Joe and the twins for a long walk/stroll. Joe and his Grammie walked the boardwalk out to check out the ocean at Ramp 49. He had a great view of the beach and ocean from the top of the dunes. It was a clear day and you could see the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse and the Cape Point one way and the old Frisco Pier and Hatteras Village in the other direction. Warm enough for short sleeves! We chatted with fishermen as they were coming off the Ramp and were happy to hear that Puppy Drum were being caught all up and down the Frisco Beach that morning.

One day this week as I was driving home from work I spotted a sure sign of Spring for Hatteras Island. The Ospreys have returned! They nest in the maritime forest and fish the waters around us all summer long. I know the warm weather is near when they begin nest building in our neighborhood. I wish them calm winds and happy fishing this summer.
The big news in our “neigh”borhood this week is from our local beach horseback riding stable here in Frisco Village. Equine Adventures announced that the first foal in 20 years was born on Hatteras Island. The little filly was born healthy and is just the sweetest thing! The folks at Equine Adventures have posted on their facebook site asking for name suggestions. Lots of good ones are on there!

If you love horses a trail ride with Equine Adventures is a wonderful addition to your vacation. They guide you through the maritime forest out to the beach here in Frisco. Riding horseback alongside the sand dunes and the ocean’s waves is a whole different experience then just walking. After you get back from your long ride, come by the Frisco Rod and Gun/Frisco Market for drinks and snacks!
Sunny days, osprey nest building, and new baby horses! Great week on Hatteras Island! Wish you were here!
Natalie Perry Kavanagh