• Hatteras Island Fishing Report

    Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island:

    Today in Frisco we had mostly light rain.  The winds were from the south-east at 10 to 15 mph and the temperatures were in the low 70’s.  The fishing today was pretty good from the surf.  The Buxton beach had good catches of puppy drum and bluefish.  We had some big bluefish caught on the Frisco beach today along with sea mullet.   We weighed in a 8 lb. and a 15 lbs 13oz bluefish.  Both fisherman were in the 4 plus surf fishing tournament which ends at 8 am Sunday morning.  A few boats went offshore today and they had decent gaffer dolphin and blackfin tuna fishing.  The “Godspeed” released a spearfish, the “Hatteras Fever II” released a blue marlin and “Sea Creature” released a white and a blue marlin.  Below is a nice gaffer dolphin caught aboard the “Tuna Duck”.

    You can print our 2012 Frisco Rod and Gun Hatteras Island Tide Charts.

    We have all of our In store Woolrich clothes on sale at 30% Off.

    Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49.

    Check out today’s featured product:

    The Black Bart Extreme Breakfast is a teaser like no other.  This teaser swims and acts like a fish of prey that a big blue marlin will be looking for.

    Open year round, 364 days a year.  Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com

  • Hatteras Island Fishing Report

    Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island:

    Today in Frisco it started out warm with south-west winds than switching to the north-east at 15-25 mph.  The temperatures were in the low 60’s by early afternoon.  The fishing was pretty good today.  The Buxton beaches had some sea mullet and one nice 12 lb bluefish.  On the Frisco beach this afternoon we had a guy catch 3 nice puppy drum and some sea mullet.  One boat fished inshore and they caught some small gray trout.  No boats fished offshore today.  Tomorrow morning is the start of the 4 Plus Surf Fishing Tournament.  They fish from 8am Saturday to 8 am Sunday.  Good Luck to all the anglers.

    You can print our 2012 Frisco Rod and Gun Hatteras Island Tide Charts.

    We have all of our In store Woolrich clothes on sale at 30% Off.

    Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49.

    Check out today’s featured product:

    This Sea Striker Adjustable Sand Spike is a great product that every surf fisherman should have while fishing Cape Hatteras .  The 36” and 48”adjustable rod holder allows the fisherman to adjust the bottom rod rest to fit various rod handle lengths. Constructed with angled aluminum and “glow in the dark” rod rest assemblies.

    Open year round, 364 days a year.  Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com

  • Webcast of Subcommittee Hearing for Beach Access

    We are very proud of Dare County Board of Commissioners Chairman, Warren Judge, and Outer Banks Preservation Association President, John Couch, on their testimony for H.R. 4094 in  Washington D.C. today.  This Bill will change the Cape Hatteras National Seashore’s highly restrictive ORV plan that was implemented this year to the previous plan and also take away the Consent Decree rules that were brought on us by the environmental groups.

    The Subcommittee will decide if the Bill proceeds to the entire Committee for voting.   The webcast was shown live this morning and if you missed it can be played back here on the Natural Resources webcast.

    If you support the progression of this Bill you can help by calling the members of the Subcommittee and asking them to vote in favor of it.



    CHAIR                    Rob Bishop           Utah                     202-225-0453

    Don Young            Alaska                 202-225-5765

    John Duncan    Tennessee                  202-225-5435

    Doug Lamborn   Colorado                202-225-4422

    Paul Brown           Georgia                 202-225-4101

    Mike Coffman Colorado                    202-225-7882

    Tom McClintock  California                202-225-2511

    David Rivera         Florida                  202-225-2778

    Scott Tipton       Colorado                   202-225-4761

    Raul Labrador  Idaho                          202-225-6611

    Kristi Noem           South Dakota       202-225-2801

    Mark Amodei        Nevada                  202-225-6155

    Doc Hastings  Washington                202-225-5816

    Raul Grijalva         Arizona                  202-225-2435

    Dale KildeeMichigan                          202-225-6393

    Peter DeFazio      Oregon                  202-225-6416

    Rush Holt  New Jersey                       202-225-5801

    Martin Heinrich  New Mexico            202-225-6316

    Betty Sutton          Ohio                       202-225-3401

    Niki Tsongas        Massachusetts     202-225-3411

    John Garamendi   California            202-225-1880

    Edward Markey   Massachusetts      202-225-2836

    We ask that everyone who loves Cape Hatteras and wants to preserve our visitors experience and our way of life to help by calling these subcommittee members!

  • Big Bluefish Morning Catch

    We had a nice 12 lb bluefish brought in to be weighed today.  The gentleman caught this bluefish on cut mullet this morning on the Buxton beach just after the wind switched to the north-east.

  • Hatteras Island Fishing Report

    Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island:

    Today in Frisco it was very windy.  We had south-west winds 15-30 mph and some gusts were in the 40 mph range.  The temperatures were in the low 70’s.  Even though the wind was blowing some fish were caught.  Around the south Avon ramp 38 lots of sea mullet and a few bluefish were caught.  The Frisco beach was slow, but the puppy drum fishing was real good near ramp 55 in Hatteras.  No boats were out today due to all this wind.  Tomorrow is still going to be windy but from the north.   This weekend is the 28th Annual 4 Plus Surf Fishing Tournament.  The event starts on Saturday April 28 at 7am.  They meet at the Fessenden Center in Buxton and fish for 24 hours and its over at 8 am on Sunday.   Good Luck to all the competitors.  I sure hope the weather clears up for them.

    You can print our 2012 Frisco Rod and Gun Hatteras Island Tide Charts.

    We have all of our In store Woolrich clothes on sale at 30% Off.

    Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49.

    Check out today’s featured product:

    The Daiwa Saltiga Surf Rods have a power slim HVF graphite blank construction with fuji Concept Alconite guides and Fuji reel seats.   All the quality that a surf fishing rod should be.



    Open year round, 364 days a year.  Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com

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