• Hatteras Island Fishing Report

    Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island.

    We had heavy ran showers early this morning and overcast skies with misty conditions.  The winds were from the south-east at 5 mph and the temperatures were in the low 70’s. Our sand road at Mirlo Beach is still passable right now.  We do have north-east winds coming with a front moving through on Wednesday.  We hope the work on Hwy 12 with sand bags and dune rebuilding keeps our road rebuilding time line intact.

    There were a few sea mullet reported on the Hatteras beach. That is the only fishing report we have today.

    Only few boats fishing offshore today and they had excellent balckfin tuna fishing.  Most of the blackfin tuna’s are being caught vertical jigging.  If you have never been jigging for the tunas it a lot of action and lots of fun.

    Check Out Today’s Featured Product:

    fox river wick dry socksThe Fox River Wick-dry Explorer Socks are great for rugged hikes or just wearing around on cold days.  The Wick Dry health system keeps feet dry and comfortable. Duraspun acrylic wicks moisture away and is soft against the foot. Worsted wool provides natural thermal insulation in hot or cold conditions.  Everyone can use warm and comfortable socks for Christmas.

    All of our Woolrch Fall clothing in stock are on sale.

    Browning Casual Clothing On Sale Now.

    You can print our 2012 Frisco Rod and Gun Hatteras Island Tide Chart Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49. Open year round, 364 days a year.  Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com

  • Hatteras Island Fishing Report

    Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island.

    We had a very warm and sunny day with calm winds.  The winds were from the south-east at 5 mph and the temperatures were in the low 70’s. Our sand road at Mirlo Beach is still passable and should be all week.

    There were a few sharks and skates caught on the Avon beach and out at Cape Point.  A few puppy drum and bluefish were reported at Cape Point and that’s about it.

    Even though the weather was perfect I do not think there were any trips inshore or offshore today.

    Check Out Today’s Featured Product:

    daisy red ryder bb gunA great Christmas Gift for any kid the Daisy Model 1938 Red Ryder BB Gun.  The Daisy Youth line guns shoot less than 350 fps and features a hardwood stock and forearm. It shoots.177 caliber BBs with a  blade and ramp front and adjustable open rear sights.
    We have select Sperry shoes on sale.

    All of our Woolrch Fall clothing in stock are on sale.

    Browning Casual Clothing On Sale Now.

    You can print our 2012 Frisco Rod and Gun Hatteras Island Tide Chart Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49. Open year round, 364 days a year.  Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com

  • Hatteras Christmas Parade 2012


    What a beautiful day for a Christmas parade! With temperatures in the mid 60’s, a light breeze and just the right amount of sunshine, Santa couldn’t have asked for better weather to make his debut on Hatteras Island!  santa_Hatteras_Christmas_ParadeWhile the reindeer rest for a busy Christmas eve, Santa arrived for the parade in the Hatteras Village fire truck, bringing smiles to kids of all ages on Hatteras Island.

    The crew at Frisco Rod and Gun had a float in this year’s annual Hatteras Christmas Parade.
    Hatteras Christmas FloatPiney Ridge Boatworks, located in Frisco village, supplied our float in the form of their custom built cold molded 23ft “Pamlico” skiff. Our Christmas tree was made out of crab pots and fishing lures adorned it as ornaments. Hatteras christmas Float_2
    We enjoyed tossing candy and Christmas-themed rubber duckies to everyone who lined Highway 12. Attached to the rubber duckies was a raffle ticket for a chance to win a Melissa & Doug stuffed animal that we are giving away on December 24th.

    We hope you enjoy the photos below from the 2012 Hatteras Village Christmas Parade. We hope to see you at the parade next year! All photos by Michael Epping. 

    From our family to yours, everyone at Frisco Rod and Gun wishes you a very Merry Christmas and happy, healthy new year!

    1_Christmas_Parade_Hatteras5 Christmas parade hatteras4 Christmas parade hatteras2_Christmas parade Hatteras3 Christmas parade hatteras

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  • Hatteras Island Fishing Report

    Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island.

    We had a rainy early morning and then warm sunny skies the rest of the day.  The winds were from the south-west at 10-15 mph and the temperatures were in the upper 60’s. Our sand road at Mirlo Beach is still passable and should be all week.

    There were a few sharks and skates caught on the Avon, Buxton, Frisco and Hatteras beaches.  A few puppy drum and bluefish were reported on the Buxton and Hatteras beaches today.

    A few boats fished inshore and they caught some puppy drum.

    The Offshore boats had another good catch of blackfin tuna, some were citation size.  There were also some wahoo, king mackerel, dolphin and albacore caught.  A few nice tilefish were brought up from the bottom.

    Check Out Today’s Featured Product:

    caddis neoprene glovesFor really cold days out in the duck blind or fishing for those stripers during the winter months the Caddis Neoprene Gloves are a great choice.  They are fleeced lined for extra warmth and the palm and fingers have a gripper feel with a wrist strap for support.




    We have select Sperry shoes on sale.

    All of our Woolrch Fall clothing in stock are on sale.

    Browning Casual Clothing On Sale Now.

    You can print our 2012 Frisco Rod and Gun Hatteras Island Tide Chart Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49. Open year round, 364 days a year.  Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com

  • Hatteras Island Fishing Report

    Here is the Frisco Rod and Gun Outer Banks Fishing Report for Hatteras Island.

    We had partly sunny skies and the temperatures were nice.  The winds were from the  north-east switching to the south-east at 10-15 mph and the temperatures were in the upper 60’s. Our sand road at Mirlo Beach is still passable and should be all week.

    There were sharks and skates caught on the Avon, Buxton, Frisco and Hatteras beaches.  A few sea mullet were reported on the Frisco beach and a 46″ striper was caught on the Hatteras beach today.

    No boats fished inshore and a few fished offshore.  They caught a  nice bunch of blackfin tuna, some were citation size.  There were some wahoo and albacore also caught.

    Check Out Today’s Featured Product:

    melissa and doug SuspendFamilyGameThis Melissa and Doug Suspend Family Game was voted one of the best toys for 2012.  A family game of tricky hangs and steady hands! Try this hanging balance game and you’ll be hooked! Suspend comes with 24 notched, rubber-tipped wire pieces to hang from a tabletop stand. Sound easy? Try adding another piece! Each time a bar is added, the balance shifts, the difficulty changes and the incredible midair sculpture transforms. Can you add all your game pieces without making it fall? This tricky game for 1-4 players is a test of steady nerves and steady hands.  A great Christmas gift for any age.

    We have select Sperry shoes on sale.

    All of our Woolrch Fall clothing in stock are on sale.

    Browning Casual Clothing On Sale Now.

    You can print our 2012 Frisco Rod and Gun Hatteras Island Tide Chart Come by and see us at Frisco Rod and Gun, located at 53610 Hwy 12, across from Billy Mitchell Airstrip and Ramp 49. Open year round, 364 days a year.  Visit us in the store or shop online anytime at friscorodandgun.com

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